My mom created this recipe years ago and my sisters and brother and I have entered this in 4-H and won many awards. Yummy on its own or with chocolate...
Homemade angel food cake is worth the work. It is moist, unlike the sweet styrofoam available in the grocery bakery. A tube pan with a removable bottom...
This is an old-fashioned, but easy-to-make devil's food cake recipe. Pound cake like texture and sinfully chocolately. This is from an old Philadelphia...
This vanilla cake is like, the best cake I have ever made. It's not too bland, and it's not too sweet. This is great for all occasions and easy to do in...
This cake was sent home from our children's school. It is the simplest, great tasting cake I've ever made. Great to make with the kids, especially for...
This is hands-down my all-time favorite cake! I fell in love making it after my grandmother shared the recipe with me. This cake is super quick, easy,...
A friend of mine gave me this recipe years ago. Sometimes I lower the fat content by using fat-free sour cream or yogurt instead of the sour cream. Enjoy!...
You will enjoy this delicious and moist cake made with carrot baby food. I'm very proud to share this recipe with everyone because I won an award ribbon...
This is a one bowl cake. You can substitute sour milk for buttermilk - mix 1 cup milk with 1 tablespoon vinegar or lemon juice and let stand for 10 minutes....
This is my own version of the chocolate microwave mug cake. This chocolaty fudgy treat is truly decadent and great for nights when I need a yummy dessert...
This coffee cake is wonderful, the cake itself it moist and delicious while the topping is slightly crunchy and sweeter. Together, they make a delightful...
This is a great conversation piece at parties. Adults love it as much as the children do. Get a new garden trowel, medium sized flower pot and artificial...
This cake is truly decadent and made with only 5 ingredients. It is chocolaty, rich, moist, and absolutely delicious. I top it off with an easy 2-ingredient...
Oma always makes this for her grand kids after she picks through her garden. Probably not good for the thighs but Oma's cooking is always good for the...
Butter and cream cheese provide the rich taste in this deliciously dense pound cake. I always top mine with a fresh lemon glaze made of fresh lemon juice...
This is my husband's favorite recipe. Someone brought this to my Grandpa's funeral in 1968, and I've been making it since. The dark fudge cake over the...
This is an old recipe that my grandmother always made. It goes great with coffee and is quick and easy to make. Light lemon flavor that can be accompanied...
An old Southern recipe passed down through my grandmother. You can vary the flavor of gelatin used in order to get a specific color for any holiday, e.g....